Silicon Valley Friends of FeralsCats for AdoptionSilicon Valley Friends of Feral's principal focus is providing humane population control and care for feral cat populations. During the course of this work, we will from time to time rescue tame adult cats and socializable kittens, making them available for adoption on this page. The adoption process begins with an email from the prospective adoptors to the foster caretaker or to SVFF's general adoption email address, . We will provide prospective adoptors (by email) with an application to fill out and return. After receipt of the application, we will contact those adoptors who meet our criteria to arrange a meeting with the cats. Please note there is no central shelter facility with walk-in hours. Cats for adoption are sheltered in the private homes of foster caretakers, and interviews with the cats are by appointment only after submission and approval of a completed application. Adoptors are required to make a donation to SVFF to partially defray the cost to rescue and care for the cat (incurred by testing the cat for disease, providing vaccinations, spaying or neutering, and other care the cat has received). As of November 2002, the minimum donation to adopt is $85 per cat. Should the adoption not work out, the cat may be returned to SVFF within 30 days for a full refund of the donation. In addition, the adoptor will be required to sign a legally binding adoption contract. The text of the contract will be provided to prospective adoptors whose applications have been approved, before a final commitment to adopt is made. It is our policy that all SVFF cats (including young kittens) for adoption be vaccinated and neutered prior to being released to an adoptive home.
Silicon Valley Friends of Ferals does not operate for profit, but does not have 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.
Copyright © 1997-2007 -- Silicon Valley Friends of Ferals